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All You Need To Know About The Money Spraying Wedding Tradition

The Money Spraying tradition exhibited in the cause of wedding celebrations is easily a familiar scene for everyone. Commonly identified with West Africans, most especially Nigerians, the tossing of currencies whether local or foreign is seen as a way to live in the moment.


The actual origination of the money spraying tradition is quite unknown. It is believed that this piece of tradition had been practised in the early 1900s in Europe with Poland topping the chart. At the time, guests who wish to dance with the bride or groom must take permission and pay for the opportunity. Nonetheless, the Yoruba people of Southwest Nigeria are said to be the first to eventually implement this tradition. nnThere is however a brief history of what we know today as money spraying


You might want to know the initial motivation that led to Nigerians adopting such a flamboyant and ostentatious tradition. Well, we may need to rewind to the country’s glory days post-independence. As Nigeria benefitted from huge oil exports, the country surged through a huge amount of prosperity which profited its citizens. Nigerians had enough to spend.


Nigerians use to travel to Europe for shopping and built massive homes. Simply put, things were quite good. Amidst the laxity, money spraying became a thing. On the day of a party or an occasion which demands the call to merry, people would rush to the bank and withdraw fresh and crisp notes for spraying. Well, of course, spraying cannot be possible with a weak and flaccid note. Since then, it has become a more popular trend. The country’s bank governor once threatened to have the act expunged and sprayers arrested for berating the Naira, which is the Nigerian currency. However, that move was slammed especially by bachelorettes who can’t wait to have celebrants spray money on them on their wedding day.


Money spraying is usually done by both the younger and older guests and the reason behind that action is to show their delight and happiness for the newlywedded couple. It is also just a public show of wealth and affluence, denoting a prosperous future for the bride and groom. The bridesmaid collects all of the thrown money and keeps it for the newlyweds. There is no scheduled period allocated for money spraying. nnMoney Spraying symbolizes a showering of happiness, and good fortune, and a display of the guest’s affection for the couple.



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